
Showing posts from September, 2017

Assembly: Senators

The assembly was alright. What they told us was that we can sign up for a free online website. Where if you are 16 or 17 years old, you can sign up and when you are 18 years old. Its them know that you can now vote. I think that teachers should let students go to that assembly because it is very important to vote, because every vote counts.

Fall vocab #3

Coherent: logical & consistent Belabor: argue Eschew:deliberately avoid using Acquisitive: excessively interested in acquiring money Emulate: Match or surpass Banal: so lacking in originally as to be obvious and boring Excoriation:to wear off the skin of Congeal:solify Carping:complain Substantiate: provide evidence to support temporize:avoid making a decision Largesse: generosity in bestowing money Tenable: able to be maintained Insatiable:impossible to satisfy Reconnaissance: military observation of a region to locate an enemy Germane: relevant to a subject under consideration Ramify: form branches or offshoots Intransigent:unwilling Taciturn: reserved

vocab #1

Stupid: having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense Adumbrate:report or represent in outline Apotheosis:the highest point in the development of something Ascetic:characterized by Bauble: a small decoration Beguile:charm Burgeon:increase rapidly Complement:a thing that completes or brings to perfection Contumacious:stubbornly disobediant Curmudgeon:a bad tempered or surly person Didactic:intended to teach

the conscience of a hacker

Response: As I read the conscience of a hacker I get deep into it. It makes me think of how the world is still like this and this was written in 1986. " You bet your ass we're all alike... we've been spoon-fed baby food at  school when we hungered for steak... the bits of meat that you did let slip  through were pre-chewed and tasteless." This quote from the text is very  powerful to me because I hate that teachers do this. 

funny as you get older teachers mention the 9/11 attack less


vocab #2

faith: trust or belief threshold: the intensity of a certain reaction or result tarry:delay leaving in place resolve: settle or find a solution discern: to recognize something martyr:a person who is killed because of their beliefs  mirth : amusement expressed in laughter catechism:a summary of the principles of christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the introduction of christians pious: religious  frenzy: a period of uncontrolled excitement  :)  
MY FIRST ESSAY                       Homework has no point. Teachers give us homework to learn from it at home. But that was when i was smaller now to me homework is a waste of time. It is really stressing when someone has 7 periods and sports after school. I think that the teachers should stop giving homework.                         Some people don't even have time to do homework. Like me, i wrestle after school & I am a part time barber. So i cut hair after wrestling. After i'm done cutting it gets like 8:00 pm. Then i get hungry and have dinner with my family by then its 9:00 pm. so we basically have no time for it, especially when someone works, they try to figure out their life by saving money for the future. Then if i do homework i finish like at 12 or 12:30 am and I only sleep for 6 hours, aren't we supposed to sleep for 8 or 9 hours to get enough sleep?                    This is all my opinion and others as well.